Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sacramento CA to Carson City NV

Today I conquered the Sierras! We made it to Carson City,NV. On Saturday I had made it to Sacramento. Sunday I made it to Placerville with a great deal of difficulty. I rode 75 miles but due to poor signage only about 65 of that was actually on the trail. I had a flat tire and at the end my seat came loose. Monday I learned that you can't slow down once you are going 60mph down a 7% grade on a really rough road. I would like to thank Pastor Liberty for blessing my bike as I had an encounter that was nothing short of miraculous to have escaped unharmed. As I was riding a desolate county road I heard an awful racket coming up the road behind me. As it got closer I saw that it was a small pickup dragging a motorcyle on the end of a 20 ft logging chain. It would swing wildly from one side of the road to the other. There was no shoulder just straight down the mountain, I thought I was toast. Fortunately as he passed by me it was swinging to the left and I was safe. Today was a good ride,about 30 miles of hard climbing to the summit of Carson Pass and then the downhill plunge. Today I did not let my speed build up like before, but I did burn up a set of brakes. Luckily Carson City had a super bike shop where I purchased some new ones. I also wanted to thank David and the spinning gang for the Monkey Butt Powder, it's working great.


  1. Colby-

    Thank God you came out unscathed! Ongoing prayers and blessings upon you, your bikes and Elise.

    God be with you...

    Pastor Liberty

  2. These pictures are breath-taking! Thanks for sharing, I'm enjoying riding vicariously.
    Glad the powder is useful--maybe we should have gotten a couple of cans.

  3. Really enjoying watching your progress and thanks for the pictures. I wish I could see what you are and will see.

    We thank God that you are safe.

  4. Enjoying your blog. What a wonderful trip, be safe.
