Friday, June 11, 2010

Cedar City, UT to Escalante, UT

Good Day -Bad Day

Started out the day facing the 20 miles of 6-8% grade up Highway 14 out of Cedar City. This would take me from about 5000 ft to 10,500. I donned my Hill Slug jersey especially for the climb. While I rode down Main Street toward the highway I was practically hyperventilating just thinking of the task ahead.

After a few hours of pedaling my brains out I made it. I was exhilerated but at the same time exhausted that I missed my turn at the top. Before I knew it I had descended several miles down a canyon with a 12 - 14% grade. I couldn't have climbed that grade on fresh legs, let alone toasted ones.

I had no cell phone,(it wouldn't have worked anyway) no money, a power bar and one bottle of water. I was up the creek or down the canyon as it were. Luckily, as I was contemplating whether mountain lions liked power bars a sheriff came by in a 4-wheel drive pickup. I stuck out my thumb and was saved. He gave me a ride back up to the turn I missed.

I was long overdue to our rendevous spot and Elise had started to get concerned. Once she heard my tale and we both caught our breath and thanked the Lord we continued upon our merry way. All's well that ends well.

Today I had a beautiful ride through Red Rock Canyon in the Dixie National Forest and Bryce Canyon. I covered 68 miles and was pleased as my legs were still a bit gone from yesterdays adventure. I've got a bit of a climb through Boulder tomorrow but then it should be a lot of downhill to Torrey,UT our hoped for destination. There is a 50% chance of thunderstorms so we will just have to see how it plays out.


  1. Hang in there, Colby! Kathy

  2. Elaine and I enjoyed our morning last Sunday at FLC. While there I noticed a map on the bulletin board where members keep up with your progress. We e-mailed Pastor Liberty to get the address of your blog. What an adventure! Elaine and I would like to treat you and Jean to lunch sometime after you get home and hear more about it. I imagine Jean will be able to give a report on every mall and Walmart on the route between CA and Owensboro by the time you get home.

    May the remainder of your adventure be safe and happy. Great pictures! We look forward to keeping up with your trek across the country.


  3. Unfortunately Elise has found out that being a support driver is a full time job. We are currently more than 120 miles from the nearest Walmart and she is suffering withdrawal.
