Thursday, July 8, 2010

Carthage, MO to Philpot, KY

Home at last! Yeah!!

Because of the lack of camping facilities and Adventure Cycle's description of the route we decided to ride Hwy 60 across Missouri. Adventure Cycle described their route as narrow, winding roads with no shoulder. They said when you hear a log truck approach dismount and get off the we thought 60 would be better.

Hwy 60 is 4 lanes but not limited access across Missouri so we thought it would have a good shoulder. It varied from full shoulder to crumbled asphalt to a narrow rumble strip with about 2 feet of asphalt to ride on. I had ridden worse.

I was riding on a narrow shoulder near Mountain Grove when suddenly a mirror whizzed by within inches of my ear and a large brown object barely missed my elbow. It was a truck towing half a double wide mobile home and it was hanging over the rumble strip. While I was signaling my displeasure a second one came by but he moved over a few feet. The chase van however, cut towards me. After regaining my composure I rode on to camp, only about a mile.

After talking it over with the sag lady I put the bike in the trailer and she drove me to Wickliffe, KY. I rode Hwy 60 home. Hwy 60 has no shoulder but is lightly traveled and everyone gave me plenty of room. I even rode out 54 from town something I don't usually do. It was great to be home.

When riding in the boring states there was plenty of time to observe. One thing, you can always tell when you are getting close to civilization by the McDonald cups beside the road. Also, I didn't know there were armadillos in Missouri. There were many mashed on the shoulder. I guess the locals take to the shoulder after them. I would love to go again but I would ride the western states and drive home. Dr Polio told me that I was wise to ride from west to east because of the tail wind. From Hasty CO to Philpot I had a head wind component every day. It must be some kind of a record.

We would like to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and prayers. It really was great to feel all the love and support and boy did we need it on a lot of our days. Once again thanks. Colby's ready to go again so we are once again accepting sag person applications. Only those with late model, large motorhomes need apply.


  1. Welcome home. It was great to see you last Sunday.


  2. congrats colby!!!! great adventure. you make us all jelous with your trip.
